Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I'll be downstairs doing laundry. I'll hear an urgent call from Sadie: "Mommy? MOMMY?"

"WHAT?" I yell.

"Mommmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyy????" The yells are getting more urgent.


By this time, Sadie has figured out where I am and has come down the stairs.

"Mommy?" she says.

"Yeeeeeeeeeees?" I say.

"I wuv you."

"Oh. Well, I love you, too."

This happens about five times a day.


Anonymous said...

How cute!! Brynnan will tell me, or at least he used to before Mark became the love of his life, about 200 times a day "I love you, too, Mommy." Without me even saying a word to him. He'd come up to me or pass by and just say it. LOL

Gramma n Grampa said...

I LOVE when kids do that. It means so much when you know they thought of it all on their own. Sooooo SWEET!

Patty said...

I love you, too, Kar!

Nat said...

Yeah, I go to pee, and all of a sudden, the kids need me desperately right that second! And for something that they really don't need me for. They just want to know what I'm doing. Gotta love it.

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