
Sunday, February 10, 2008


Boy, has it been a fun week for me. Sadie got the flu and was barfing and having diarrhea for four days and nights. I have never done so much laundry. I felt so badly for her. Here she is, watching TV during the worst of it. She barfed about ten minutes after I took this picture:

Titan ate some of Sadie's orange slices a few days ago, and he had diarrhea for a couple of days. Ben took this picture. He is sooo much better of a photographer than I am:

And now Dylan has a cough and cold. You can see all the old, dried boogers on his sweats:

I haven't had a good night's sleep in ages, and our house smells weird now. I can cope with Dylan's cold, but the diarrhea and vomit clean-up was pretty hard on me. I'm glad that part seems to be done.


  1. i am soooo sorry. sickness like that is so hard. especially when you're pregnant. i hope the worst is over.

    aren't you glad for washing machines? could you imagine washing that stuff by hand???


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