
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sixth Folder, Sixth Picture

Oh my gosh!!! Look how cute Dylan is!! How fun! Okay. I saw this post on Arin's blog, and then Nat's blog. You're supposed to pick the sixth picture from the sixth folder in your pictures. This was from when Dylan was 9 months old. What a babe. And Dylan looks soooo much like Micah, but actually has baby chub. :) Oh, looking at this picture makes me a little bit sad. I think of how quickly Dylan is growing up -- too quickly. So I get sad about that. And I get sad, because I think, Do I cherish him and cuddle him and give him as much attention as I did when he was a baby? Probably not. And that is really, really bad. My little Dylan...


  1. I never noticed the resemblance in the boys, probably cuz Dylan was a chub. That is a great pic, I hope that you don't beat yourself up for not cuddling Dylan as much as you used to.

  2. Love the babies- and I agree they grow up too fast. BTW- the dresses were from my mom (and Land's End). She is not a seamstress- that's B & Jeff's mom.

  3. Cute. It is amazing how fast the kids grow. Before we know it they'll be gone!

  4. Aw, cute Dylan! I think kids, especially boys, tend to outgrow wanting to be cuddled and stuff. I have to ask for hugs and kisses now. Grr.

  5. Here is an answer to your tarantula question...cuz i am not really sure how to 'reply' to a comment on my you may find hidden messages here on yours!

    I found this on the internet:

    Are tarantulas dangerous?
    No one has ever died from a tarantula bite. Most tarantulas are reluctant to bite and would rather run away from you,
    BUT they do have large fangs and if they were to bite, it would feel like a bad bee sting unless you were allergic to
    their venom.

    So, I guess I might have been biten if he/she were irrated...but nevertheless I wasn't and now my kids think I am cool.

  6. Such a cute little kid! I bet its fun to remember all the good times! Hey, I tagged you in my latest post, go check it out!!


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