
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Alka-Seltzer to the Rescue!

There was one good thing about the Roaring Youth Jam - the Inkley's stand. They had all of these old plastic camera film-holders that they gave out, along with instructions on how to make a little alka-seltzer exploder gadget thingey. You fill up the plastic cannister halfway with water, put in half a tablet of alka-seltzer, then close it up, set it down upside-down, and wait:

Within about ten seconds, pop! The cannister shoots about thirty feet into the air! Endless hours of fun for six-year-old boys. And for their man-boy dads, too:

Ben was pretending to put the alka-seltzer in his mouth.
Sadie was very concerned about Dylan getting hit in the face. When I took this shot, she was yelling at him to "wun away fwom da bombs!!":

Here is Dyl, setting one down before wunning away, as Sadie counseled:

Dylan has lost one of his little plastic film holders. It will be hard to replace, because we don't use film cameras anymore. And I'm not buying an $8 roll of film just for the holder. I was surprised to see that the Inkley's people had some, because honestly, how many people still use film cameras??


  1. I thought Inkley's went out of business! That's pretty cool though! I love how Sadie would tell Dylan to "wun away"! How cute!

  2. If I remember right you can purchase the canisters from photo delvelopement places... but be sure they are the white ones... those are the ones that work best :)

  3. What a fun thing to do! It's like the volcano thing (baking soda and...vinegar?-I can't remember).

    Dude, my word verification is "sweatie". That's kind of funny, because it's usually not a real word that they put up. They should "letter verification".

  4. Sweetie is a word... Sweaty is a word :) Sweatie is a mispelled hybrid? :D

    Orama is my verfication word.. reminds me of Up Chuck-O-Rama

  5. Cool! If you ever have a couple of bucks to spare and some small children (or man-boy dads) to impress, try putting Mentos into a two liter bottle of diet coke. Just don't do it inside house ;)


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