
Friday, August 14, 2009

Why do we even buy toys for our kids?


  1. I wonder the same thing all the time! At least she has some creativity :)

  2. No freaking kidding! My kids are all about the stuff you're supposed to throw away, like the boxes and the bubble wrap. Or they play with things like the baby wipes box, or sit under the sink or something. Good times.

  3. I think that commercials condition kids to want actual "toys", but their natural instincts are to play with whatever cool stuff is sitting around. Things like laundry baskets and cardboard boxes let them use their imaginations much more than actual toys...of course, my nephews prefer cash to toys, baskets, or boxes. Who knows where they get that from!

  4. I think this everyday!! LOL Cute picture of Sads!!!

  5. She has the best hair in creation.

  6. Yeah especially when you work and sacrifice so much just for them to ruin the toy by being disobedient, followed by the remark,"I forgot." Maybe Santa will put coal in the stockings this year!


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