
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

He's Walking!!

We took this video only a week ago. Since then, he has completely converted to walking. Can walk forever. Patty's sad about it, because when he crawled and was happy, he would bop his head happily from side to side. But Micah's therapists are thrilled. He has come a really long way, and I'm grateful.


  1. YAY!!! That's so exciting!! Way to go Micah!!

  2. I love how he walks in first position. So cute!

  3. Yay for Micah! Now he can follow you around the house faster and whine at your knees. Awesome! Although maybe it will make the fellow a little more content if he can keep up with everyone else.

  4. His head still bobs a little. I'm pleased.

  5. woohoo! I am actually looking forward to Owen walking, so that I don't have to carry him everywhere!


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