
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Singing Sadie

There is a primary song called "Families Can Be Together Forever," and begins with these two lines:

I have a family here on earth,

They are so good to me...

Sadie has somehow twisted the song so that it says,

I am a girl on earth,

Dylan is a boy on earth,

Mommy is a girl on earth...

And so on and so forth, naming everyone in our family. And she's changed the tune, too, so that it sounds like the theme song to Bambi. I wanted to video tape her singing the song, but then she got shy and kind of forgot how it goes. But it's still cute:


  1. She's my second favorite. After Micah. Does that happen? Your favorite is the most recent child?

  2. How cute!!:) Of course we don't have favorites, Patty! LOL :)

  3. Oh, so cute! I love it when kids mix up words to songs.


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