
Saturday, May 22, 2010

At least they have one fun parent.

Life would be frightfully boring for my kids if Ben was like me.


  1. Who better to play with than a big kid?!?! Ben is great :) Oh, and BTW I rarely get on the floor with my kids, but I think that they come to me for different things... "Mom! I had a nightmare!!!"

  2. Love that picture!! Looks like so much fun! I agree, I think Dad's are the ones they wrestle and roll around on the floor with. I never do that with my kids either.

  3. Haha! Looks like me when all my nieces and nephews are around :) But everyone needs a dad to be there to be a jungle gym!

  4. I heard about a study this week that shows that kids do better when they have one "unconditional" parent (fun, silly, a little lax on discipline) and one "conditional" parent (steadfast, consistant, comforting) at a time. The roles for parents change over time, though. Ben might be the "fun one" right now, but when they get a little older, Mom is going to be the hip, cool one to spend time with. I guess parents just have to enjoy the role they are playing at the time :)

  5. My dad would play a game with us called "Sleeping Giant." He would lay on his belly on the floor and we would all sit on his back. He was "asleep." Then, out of nowhere, he would wake up and attack! Grab someone's foot and we'd all tryo to run away but he'd catch us and tickle us and pile us all up on the couch. Looks like Ben's got the same idea.

  6. Don't feel bad!! In a year or two you will be fun, too!! Hang in there, Sweetie!!


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