
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Stuffed Sausage

Ben plays basketball twice a week with some dudes in our ward. He came home with a nasty sprain last month.

I could have sworn that something was broken in there. He was in quite a bit of pain and couldn't do much for a few weeks.

Sooo poofy. He wouldn't go to the doctor, and luckily, he predicted it right - it was just a really, really bad sprain. He's good now. Back to his sweaty basketball playing.


  1. Yikes! That looks really bad! Glad it was just a sprain and he's doing better!!

  2. Ouch - that looks pretty bad - glad it got better and wasn't a break.

  3. Owie!! Brad's foot is still bugging him from when he sprained it in December. Glad Ben is feeling better!


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