
Sunday, January 30, 2011

He would have fit in.

Ben and I went to dinner and a movie for our anniversary (post soon to come) - we saw True Grit, with Jeff Bridges and Matt Damon. It was thoroughly entertaining. Jeff Bridges is amazing. I've put the book, True Grit, on my mental must-read list. That list is getting pretty long...

Something I noticed while watching the movie was that the characters didn't use contractions. It was, "I do not understand such-and-such," "I will not pretend that I agree with you," etc. I wondered if that was how people really spoke back then - no contractions. It's interesting to think about.

Seeing the non-usage of contractions reminded me of Dylie. The kid hardly ever uses contractions. It cracks me up. Perhaps he was born in the wrong era. :)

Gloria and Greg were here a couple of weeks after Gagey was born, and we were all eating at the dinner table one night. Greg was talking to Dylan about something - I forget what. Like a very, very gentle reprimand. If it can be called that. I think Dylan did something, and I told him not to, and Dylan argued with me (as usual), and Greg was trying to explain to Dylan the reason he shouldn't do it. Like trying to help Dyl understand where I was coming from. Greg is really great with my kids. So kind and so gentle. Anyways, Dylan just stared straight ahead while Greg was talking, and when he was done, Dylan put his hand toward Greg and said, still staring straight ahead, "I do NOT know what he is talking about." It made us all laugh so hard. Of course he knew what Greg was talking about. He just didn't want to hear it. :)


  1. Just saw that movie the other day, Jeff Bridges was fab, but the movie itself i could have lived without... too much splurting.

  2. hahahaha Thats hilarious about Dyl! And I want to see True Grit!!

  3. Andy really wants to see that movie...maybe I will surprise him one of these nights and take him to it! He would love that!

  4. I should make myself see that movie. Lately I have not been in the mood to go to the movie. That is really cute about Dylan. Since I am back in school I think more about not using contractions.

  5. Jenny's kids have all gone through a stage wherein they avoid contraction usage. I love it cause they sound like little 1930's era gangsters. I'm sure Dylan is equally cute.

  6. HEHe! Don't you love it when kids are smart alecs?:)


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