
Sunday, February 6, 2011

My first SNOWBALLS!!

In 1997, I went to London on a semester abroad - I'll never forget it, as long as I live. I think it was literally the best time of my entire life. I miss it tonsandtonsandtons.

Anyways, one of our professors was this very dignified, smart, amazing woman. She has published several books of poetry. She's, like, six feet tall. At least. When she taught us, I always just stared at her, my mouth open, drool dripping from my mouth (just kidding), thinking, Damn. She is just so SMART. And dignified. Always.

We were there from September through December, so obviously the seasons eventually changed from fall to winter. We stumbled down to breakfast one morning (we were always REALLY tired, because we always stayed up REALLY late. We're talking 3 a.m., every single night), scooped up our really disgusting porridge into bowls, scraped the nasty currant jelly onto the hard-as-a-rock toast, and sat down to eat. (British food - not my favorite. Sandwiches with just butter and cheese in them? What's up with that? No ranch dressing? Are you kidding me?? It was hard. Total culture shock for me. Ranch is a NECESSITY.)

The front door opens, and in runs this professor, in her jammies, with two snowballs in both of her hands. We didn't realize it had snowed for the first time the night before. She yells, at the top of her lungs, "MY FIRST SNOWBALLS!!!!!" And pelts two girls with them. We all just stared at her, dumbfounded, drool dripping from our mouths (just kidding). It was so weird to see her in that light! And awesome. I became her biggest fan after the snowball incident.

Just a couple of weeks ago, my kids and hubby threw their FIRST SNOWBALLS!!! Even though it's the middle of winter. Our non-winter months are so short around here, I think when it first snows, we go, "Aw man.... and here we go again...." instead of getting excited. And that includes the kids. We're sick of snow. We've been there, done that, gotten the t-shirt.

I didn't join them. Because I hate the snow. I've been in a state of revolt against it since it showed its sorry face around here in November. I'm just biding my time until, like, May, when it finally thaws. Just kidding. Kind of. It did blizzard on my high school graduation day in June....

It was so unusually sunny and warm that day. We don't get many days like that. Most of them are in the single digits. We've had a nasty couple of weeks, temperature-wise.

Sadie stayed out there for .2 seconds, until Dylan hit her with a snowball. Then she came in, bawling. I hugged her for awhile, and then told her to get out there and whitewash Dylan in the face. She smiled brightly at this idea.

But then she came back in, .2 seconds later, bawling again, because this time her daddy threw a snowball at her.

Ben, the man-boy. He kills me. So she and I just sat on the couch and snuggled for the rest of the afternoon. That made her feel better.


  1. THis reminds me of "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs", because he makes it snow ice cream, and he's never been in a snowball fight. So then when he does he hits people REALLY REALLY hard with the snowballs, and yells "SNOWBALL!!!!" It's funny.

  2. That sounds like my kind of day! I will be in the house snuggling with the kiddos. I hate snow and I am really hoping to move somewhere that has less snow than Idaho Falls, and then I will come back for the summer :) That is so cool you went to London! Way neat!


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