
Monday, October 17, 2011

Fancy Girls

When we flew from Beijing to Seattle, we had a two-hour layover or so there in Seattle. We got some bagels, which were H-E-A-V-E-N-L-Y. Ben took Micah to the bathroom, and Dylan and I were munching our bagels while watching Sadie and the baby crawl around on the floor and play. This is how our conversation went:

Dylan: Every single girl I know says the word "like" all the time.

Me: Every single girl you know?

Dylan: Well, maybe three-fourths of the girls I know.

Me: Um, okay....

Dylan: [reconsidering] Well, maybe not that many girls say "like" all the time. Only fancy girls say "like" all the time.

Me: [giggling] "Fancy Girls"??? What on earth are "Fancy Girls"??

Dylan: You know, like Aunt Lex. She's a fancy girl.

Me: What do you mean??

Dylan: Well, fancy girls wear makeup and have cute clothes. So Lex is a fancy girl. And it's true. When she talks, she's always saying, "Like, totally. Like, what-ever..."

Me: [laughing] No she doesn't!!! You're so weird!

I laughed and laughed. The bizarre things that come out of his mouth... So Lex, just in case you ever wondered, you are a Fancy Girl. And, apparently, you talk like a Valley Girl. According to Dylan.


  1. Hahaha hilarious! Dylan seems more grown up to me! And tall! Crazy!

  2. LOL! He's a funny kid:)

  3. I bet you are SO GLAD to be back!!! Love catching up on your cute pictures.


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