
Sunday, May 13, 2012


The other morning, Sadie and Dylan were in the bathroom, brushing their teeth.  I'm not sure what Dylan was doing - probably something obnoxious, because that's how he is in the morning, before his ADHD pills have kicked in - but Sadie said, at one point, "Dylan, that is not necessary."

Can I tell you how much I loved that she used that phrase?  Hahaha!
The other day, Sades informed me that Gage smelled "ugly."  Her way of saying that he has a stinky diaper.  I thought it was funny that she used a sight word for a smell.  I usually have a bloodhound nose and take care of stinky diapers immediately, but I had a bad head cold last week and couldn't smell a dadblamed thing.
Sadie was drinking something, and she started coughing.  I used that one idiom that everyone says - "Did something go down the wrong tube?"

"Yeah," she said.  I think my drink maybe went down the wrong tube into my arm or my leg."  (She was dead serious.)


  1. Haha!! She is so funny!!:) I love the funny things kids say in all seriousness!

  2. What a cutie! I love that you are keeping track of these cute things on your blog. It would be a shame for the Sadieisms to be forgotten over time. This way you can remind her about them over and over and over and over and over!

  3. haha what a silly girl! She cracks me up!!


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