
Friday, May 17, 2013

Happy Birfcake, Everyone!

Haha!  Sadie used to say that on her birthdays.  She would wish everyone around her a Happy Birfcake.  I loved that.

Soooooo, I turned 36 last month.  We flew home from our trip to Belize on my birthday, which I mentioned previously.  That night, I really didn't want to cook (and we had no food left, because our kids eat us out of house and home), so we went to Red Robin, just as a little family.

The following Friday, I threw myself a birthday party.  That's right.  I like to celebrate my birthdays, even though it's sad that I'm getting older and older.  I want to be surrounded by family and sing and eat cake and have a nice time.  So I arranged it myself.  My darling friend, Kathleen, volunteered to make a cake for me, and dang, it was so good.
 Pete suggested that everyone sing Happy Birthday like robots.  It was funny. :)
I was singing, "Happy Birthday to ME, Happy Birthday to ME..."  Micah and Ivy thought that was hilarious:
My bro-in-law, Chris, got me this awesome card with a chicken who dances to "I like to move it, move it," every time you open the card.  Gage was enthralled with it and carried it around with him for days afterward:
My friend Megs was taking pictures, and she asked Nat and I to pose.  I love these pictures.  We're so spazzy.

 Then we made what Nat's family calls "Duckface."

 Haha!  Nat is way better at that than I am.

Anyways, it was a great birthday.  I got lots of wonderful presents, but more importantly, I was surrounded by the people I love.


  1. Yay for red robin! I think Mark is finally getting tired of eating there! LOL :) Glad you had a good birthday!! It is fun being surrounded by those you love on your birthday and at parties. Whether you arrange the party or not! :)

  2. I am glad your birthday was a blast. The world is a better place thanks to your birth. Thanks for being awesome!


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