
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Not one, but TWO of us got pooped on.

Look at my miniscule sister, Beads, and me, the Jolly Green Giant.  Haha!  She was here for literally one day yesterday (she lives in Buffalo, NY) for her brother-in-law's wedding, and we took the opportunity to quickly get some family pictures taken at a local park.

We were taking pictures of just the original sisters and my parents in some shade under some huge trees when Lex said, "I think something just fell on my hair."  I examined it, and it was bird poop.  In her hair.  She started screaming, and I ran for some wet wipes that I knew Mom had nearby.  I dug the poop out of her hair and wiped it down and kind of combed it back in place.  Luckily, it was toward the back of her skull.  She was surprisingly calm and accepting of the fact that a bird had just defecated on her hair.  I would NOT have been so calm.

So we go back to posing and smiling.  And then....

Nat got pooped on. 

This one was worse - right at the hairline, so it kind of mooshed through her hair and onto her forehead.  I screamed and ran for the wet wipes again, laughing so hard.  This poop was a big 'un.  Some splash-off from it got on my mom.  So we wiped Nat's hair and forehead, and she just laughed and laughed, and I was like, "What is it that these girls are taking that makes them seem not to worry at all when it's PICTURE DAY and they get POOPED ON?"

I'm really grateful no poop landed on me.  I would not have reacted in such an easy-going manner.


  1. Brianna told us about the bird poop. Totally reminded me of lunch at Gale and those seagulls. I was always afraid that I would get pooped on.

  2. That is a cute picture of you two! I swear she looks different every time I see her in pictures!! LOL I was like, WHO is that with Kar? :) You both look gorgeous!


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