
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

He doesn't read my blog, so we're good.

My hubbers doesn't read my blog.  Sometimes I get all butt-hurt about it.  He always says, "I don't need to read your blog - I live it!"  Which is true.  I need to get over my butt-hurtedness.

So, since he doesn't ever look on here, I'm going to show you the birthday card I made him!  His birthday is Thursday.  Could you just die???:

Of course, I used my Silhouette to cut the pieces of the cake.  I cut out a whole bunch more pieces so I can make about 30 more cards someday - I made one more for a friend, which you'll be able to tell below, but for now, most of those pieces are sitting in a baggie while I work on a wedding card for a former Sunday School student of mine from California.  I'll let you know when I finish more of these.

Since the pieces are so small and intricate, I mod-podged them.

This tag happens to be a sticker that came with this scrapbooking kit I had bought like seven years ago and am just getting around to using.  There are only three of the tags.  They're blank, and I found a set of stamps that fit perfectly on them:

When I made the one for my friend, I cut out a tag on my silhouette and sponged it:
What are we doing for Ben's birthday, you ask?  He and I are going to World War Z.  Not my top pick for a movie to watch.  But this movie has two of Ben's favorite things in it - Brad Pitt and zombies.  So he's very excited.  And it's his birthday, after all.  As long as it's PG-13 or less, I'm good.  Ben has a very severe man-crush on Brad Pitt.  If Ben was a woman, he would be completely, full-on in love with Brad Pitt.

I wonder if I have a movie star woman-crush on anyone.  I'll have to think about that.  I definitely have man-crushes on movie stars.  Which may not be very healthy.  I try not to dwell on my movie star man-crushes.  Ben's movie star woman crushes are Nicole Kidman and Kate Beckinsale.  I try not to get too jealous.  Besides, I'm probably softer to hug than those girls, right??  Nice and cushioney.


  1. Movie star girl crush:
    #1. Tea Leoni.

    The rest don't matter after her.

  2. Very cute card! You are a very creative couple. The family photos Ben took and then photoshopped are stinkin hilarious. I hope you both enjoy the movie. My brothers were sure impressed.


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