
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Much Drama a l'Hopital

Some words are more fun in French.  Like hospital.  L'hopital.  Way more fun.

Don't let the above picture fool you.  Dylan didn't have to go to the ER for any reason, and he's totally fine.  He had to get his blood drawn.  And ooooooh boy, he's stillllllllll talking about the trauma.  Hahaha! 

Ever since we moved here six years ago, Dylan has had some major, for lack of a more clinical term, Booger Issues.  He's constantly stuffed up or complains that he has "gunk in his throat."  We figured it was allergies, and we'll give him an allergy pill from time to time, but it doesn't really seem to do the trick.  I was just so tired of watching him suffer (and watching him get up 15 times during sacrament meeting every week to blow his nose) that I finally talked Ben into letting me take him to an ENT.

The ENT thinks it's allergies, but to be certain, he wanted to do a blood test.  Apparently you can take a blood test that will tell you if it's allergies or something different.

So off we went, all five of us (the appointment was after school, so I had to drag all the kids with me to the appointment), to the hospital to have Dyl's blood drawn.  I had told him that he would get a stuffed teddy bear, because I remember that from once when Sadie had to get her blood drawn, and I think that's what got him through the trauma.

I used to faint every time I got my blood drawn, and I wondered if that might happen to him, so I sat right next to him and kind of coached him through it.  "Don't watch them do it.  Think about Minecraft.  Think about Dragonvale.  Tell me your favorite color."  Just kind of trying to distract him.  He didn't cry, to his credit, but he definitely got a little faint.

"Why can't I see?  Why is there black in front of my eyes?" he said.  They had padded arm rest things in front of him, so I lay him on there and asked the nurse for a cold, wet towel to put on the back of his neck. I know the drill.  He was burning hot, poor kid.  Eventually, his temperature returned to normal and the nausea and dizziness subsided, but allllll night long all he talked about was how much his inner elbow hurt and how horrible that was and how he doesn't want to ever do that again.

"Welp, then don't get thyroid disease, Dyl," I said.


  1. Oh my! Poor Joshy poo was in the hospital last summer for a kidney infection and they couldn't find his veins to the the IV in. They were "drilling" around in there 3 different times. The poor kid! On top of already being sooo sick. He just kept looking up at me and saying "Mom, can we stop now?" So, finally - the mommy bear came out and I said - "We need to take a break for awhile!" They brought a different guy in and he was able to find his veins and get in right in. Traumatic.

  2. Kids are so funny. I had to get Nicholas $10 one time to get his blood drawn. And it wasn't for something little. They were trying to make sure he wasn't having a heart attack! Good heck. Oh, he was 17 at the time. Good luck with that.

  3. I thought Tristan would have a hard time with needles but, guess he takes after me. He watched the entire time!

  4. I hate it when kids have to get stuck with needles!! Especially little babies! It was horrible being in the hospital with Jonas when he was first born! I'm glad he got through it and that's awesome that he didn't cry!! Hope you guys can figure out what will help him!!


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