
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Yeah, I'm pretty hardcore.

Do you like my look here?  Exercise shorts, UGGs.  I'm rockin' it today. 

So, as you can see, I'm a bit scratched up.  And not from anything cool.  I was walking through the alley to pick up my kindergartener at the park the other day, and my left ankle rolled.  And all of the sudden, I was on the ground in the gravel, grunting in pain.  It's weird.  I never feel the falling part.  I feel the "whoa, I'm suddenly on the ground and in pain" part.  It happened so FAST.

So I limped to the bus stop and picked up my little man, then came home and doctored myself up.

Yesterday, I was getting ready for spinning class.  I was putting on my spinning shoes, and I saw a girl eye my scrapes.  I wondered if she mistakenly thought my scrapes were road rash from actual outdoor biking. 

I rather fancied this idea - my injuries coming from being in a race and running into another racer or whatever.  It made me feel athletic and really, really cool.  So I let her think that I am this hard-core biker who sacrifices her body for the sport.  I mean, she didn't ask.  So I didn't tell. 


  1. Ugh that sucks!! I hate doing that!! I'm glad she thought you were a hardcore biker though!:) hehe, you crack me up! :)

  2. That stinks that you got hurt. Too funny that people are eyeballing your injuries though. I love your new look. Are you trying to start a new fashion craze?!


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