
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Shall we add more to my plate?

Well, it's official.  My son and I are going to deliver "payps."
Dude, have you ever seen Newsies?  It's fab.  Christian Bale, pre-Batman-rant-at-his-family.  "Santa Fe, my old friend..."  When I taught school, my good friend who taught history always showed this movie.  And introduced a whole new group of girls to pubescent crushes on Jake Kelly and David Jacobs.  Oh, I had a big thing for David Jacobs.  But not for Racetrack Higgins.  He was too short for me.

So.  Dylan needs braces.  We can't afford them.  It's been driving me crazy.  And then it hit me - a newspaper route!  Dylan and I can do a newspaper route and save money for his braces!  It won't get spent on groceries or dishwashers that keep on breaking down over and over again.  Just for him.

I asked him if he might want to do it.  He actually totally jumped on board.  He wants braces just as badly as I want them for him.  And he is a morning person.  Big time.  Me, not so much.  Ben thinks I can't do this.  But I told him that, when there is a serious commitment, I can get up early.  I got up at like 4:30 every morning to get ready and to commute to my teaching job for four years.  Because it was my job.  It was my commitment.  If I'm like, "I'm going to get up early and work out," if I haven't planned to meet a workout buddy or whatever, I push snooze and go back to sleep.

And yes, this is going to make me even more tired.  And yes, I'm doing a lot of stuff right now.  But my poor son needs braces, and dang it, we're going to get him some.

We meet with the Payp People during Thanksgiving to make our arrangements.  9 cents per paper delivered, baby.  Rich, baby, rich, rich!!  Haha!  It might take us awhile to save up...  But we'll get there.


  1. Oh boy, I'm not sure I would want to do that. You're a good mom. Also, my kids never would have gotten up at 4:30 to deliver anything, much less papers. Amazing.

  2. I'm with Kathleen on this!! I can barely wake up at 6:30 lately, let alone 4:30. I'm glad that you'll be able to do this thought!! I need to get Jonas braces too.... SIGH

  3. First off, nice work with the Newsies references. That is one of my all time favs.

    Also, you deserve a mothering award! That early morning time could turn out to be some important mother-son time. Quiet, early mornings are a great time for talking.


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