
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Dang! That's a cold-arse honkey!

Hahaha!  Ohhhhh how I love that song (Thrift Shop by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis).  The edited version, of course.  The following explanation is for my mom, who reads my blog (but never comments, except by calling me and saying, "So, I read your blooooogggggg...."):  In Thrift Shop, Macklemore, who is a white rapper, says something to the effect that people think he's black, but then they see him, and he's white. 

Anywayyyyyys, my sister Beads looooves that song.  She just moved to a new house in the Buffalo, New York area, and she and her husband found out that they are now in a church branch on a Seneca Native American reservation!  So she and her hubs are one of just a few caucasians in their branch, and the rest are Native American.  She texted me the other day and said she thought of those lyrics when she was in church:  "Dang!  That's a cold-arse honkey!" She feels a little bit out of place, but she said the people in the branch were just so excited to have a couple of more members to add to their little flock and have been very warm to them.  She'll probably get like five callings, poor girl.

I totally thought of that song when I was at Zumba last night with my friend, Megs.  I think about half the class was Latina.  And dude, those ladies could shake what their mama gave them.  I was seriously so admiring.  A lot of them have my body type - apple.  Thick around the waist, but normal legs.  And there are all these moves where you have to wiggle your booty and shake your thing, which made me feel really embarrassed, because essentially, I was just wiggling my fat around.  But so were these cute ladies, and they just didn't care!  They were so confident in their own skin!  They shook that belly fat and had no problems with it.  They all stood at the front of the class, where they could see themselves in the mirror, and they were loving it.

I felt like such a dork, because some of these moves....kay, I was a ballerina, right?  So when you're essentially doing moves from Dirty Dancing, and you've always been kind of a prude anyways, and you add to the top of that my ballet training, I'm sure I looked like a robot.  Pelvic thrusts, robot-style. 

There was this one dance where it was like a dance war, one side against the other, and these cute latina ladies got right up in the front lines and up in each others' faces, like, "Oh, you just watch me shake it.  I'm going to beat you in this dancing fight." 

I stood at the very back during that part.  I was not going to even pretend I could fight a Shake Your Butt Battle.  I would never come out victorious in that battle.

It was great.  And so much fun.  And it hurt my foot sooo badly.  But dude, if I didn't work out every time my foot hurt, I would never work out.  And then I'd have twice the belly fat to jiggle. 


  1. saying it loud and proud... I like the unedited version better! ;) I really need to get back with it and get back to the gym... I've been too busy stressed out. I need to follow your example :D

  2. I'm so glad you came with me to Zumba! I really love it and it's even more fun when you go with friends! I really wish your foot would stop this whole fasciitis business!! (I totally had to google how to spell that!!) I'm sorry it hurt, but it was fun going to the class together! I'm so excited to start going to the gym more!!


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