
Friday, January 3, 2014

Funny Stuff My Kids Said Last Night

Dylan with one of his Christmas presents - a Lego White House.
I made a roast in the crock pot for dinner last night, and when it was done cooking, I took it out of the au jus and shredded it.  Dylan later spied the au jus in the pot and said, "Ewwww.  What is that?"

I chuckled and said, "Au jus."

He grimaced and said, "More like poo-poo."

(Note:  This will only be funny if you know how to pronounce au jus.  It's "ah JEW.")

Micah with a polished rock he got in his stocking. It's some kind of copper.
Micah wanted to say the prayer for dinner last night, and, as is sometimes the case, he forgot how to finish the prayer off.  In our house, we usually say, "And we say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.  Ben prompted him, "And we say these things..."

Micah said, "And Sadie's things...and Dylan's things...and my things...and Gage's things..."


  1. Yay! I'm so glad you blogged these funny things! I love looking back at the old funny's I posted about my kids:)

  2. Ohh, that is our Christmas Day tradition - French dip sandwiches made from slow cooking a roast! Yum! And, what Micah said is so hilarious! Love it!


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