
Friday, January 10, 2014

Some Recent Cardie-Poohs

You know how on that show, New Girl, Schmidt calls cardigans, "cardies"?  I love that.  And I love cardigans.  Cardies.  I wish this post was about like ten recent cardigan purchases.  Alas, it is not.  I could wear a cardie every day and be happy.  I've been giving Ben some not-so-subtle hints that I want some cardies and plain ole' shirts for our anniversary next Monday.  He's so cute - he buys me skirts and dresses for, like, every occasion.  Birthday.  Mother's Day.  Anniversary.  Valentine's Day.  Christmas.  I finally had to text him and say, "Kay, babe, I have like a hundred church outfits.  But I have maybe five shirts I can wear here at home and running the kids around.  Can I just...have some normal, casual shirts for an anniversary gift?"

I had to have the same talk with him about accessories.  He loves to buy me chunky costume jewelery.  And I loooove costume jewelery.  But he kept buying me black jewelery. I probably have 5 black necklaces, 7 black bracelets, and like 15 pairs of black earrings.  So I had to gently sit him down at Christmas time a few weeks ago and say, "You know how I love costume jewelery.  But I cannot have one more black item.  I need some colorful stuff."

And he gave me a black and gold bracelet in my stocking.

At least there was some gold involved?

I shouldn't complain.  I'm lucky he remembers important events and has pretty good taste.

So I've made some cards in the past couple of months that I wanted to throw on here.  First up are some little boy birthday cards that my friend Megs requested:

Here are the Christmas cards I sent out this year. (And don't get mad if I didn't send you one.  I keep the cards I received from the year before and send cards to those people.  That's my policy.  Otherwise I would make, like, a hundred, and it would take a really long time.  If you want a card next year, you'd best be sending me a New Year's card right now.)
 And a card I made per request from my friend Kathleen:
Kathleen has a crafting and cooking blog, Fearlessly Creative Mamas, and she wanted me to do a tutorial on how to create a card.  You can find the tutorial here.  It's really detailed and kind of shows the creative process, as well as the mechanics of making a card.  Enjoy this, because I never do tutorials.  They make me want to gouge my eyeballs out.  So teeeeedious...


  1. You are SO talented!! I love all the cards you make! I wish I were as good as you at making cards. I can do scrapbooking pages, but cards throw me for a loop! lol I LOVE the ones you made for me! and that penguin one is ADORBS!!


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