
Monday, March 10, 2014

Free at Last! Free at Last!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh.  It's been a hard few months.  My mom and I have had the, as it turns out, monumental task of painting the entire inside of a house.  I thought it would take maybe a week.

It took us two and a half months.

And we were hustlers, dude.  I'm a hustler, baby...I just want you to know.... It ain't where I been....But where I'm bound to go.....  I miss that song.  I sang it for my brother-in-law, Spence, a few weeks ago when he and Beads were here, and I'm pretty sure he greatly enjoyed my rendition. 

But back to the hustling.  And probably not the kind of hustling that guy in that song was talking about.  I worked about three hours a day, five days a week on it, and my mom probably did like five hours a day, six days a week.  I felt badly, because she has aches and pains - she's a grandma, dangit! - and painting doesn't do much to help.  I kept telling her to just let me do it, but the lady's got gumption.  She insisted that she wanted to finish the job she started.

Anywho, we needed some professionals to put drywall in the laundry room, and they have this dude who's going to paint said drywall, and he's just going to finish up the painting in the two bedrooms we had left.  Like, today.  He's going to finish the painting today!!!!  The dudes are also going to finish the laminate Ben had been laying.  He threw his back out putting socks on Friday - I kid you not - and he's hardly able to sit up, even.  He's in a lot of pain.  He's been flat on his back all weekend.  So he's been unable to finish what he started there.  This crew is just going to punch it out, in like, two days. 

This means that, except for some grout that I'm staining/sealing (actually the most favorite thing I've ever done in this house.  It's seriously so much fun) on the backsplash in my kitchen, I AM DONE.

I am doooooooooooooone!!!!

Do you know what this means???????????  I get to work out in the mornings again when my kids are all at school for that precious, precious 2 1/2 hours!!!  I could clean my house!!!  I could shower before 11:30 at night!  I could do my hair!  I could actually blog more than twice a month!!  The possibilities are endless, you guys!  ENDLESS!!!

I went on a celebratory jog this morning with Pepper.  Which, as jogging will do, made my endorphins shoot through the roof.  So I'm feeling pretty happy right now.  It's just been hard to keep things together at my own house, work on the old house, do my calling, cart the kids to their various things, and do my janitor job.  I was tearing my hair out.  But seems to be going back to normal.  And that's pretty awesome.  I'll take some photos when I go to the house today to show you how far we've come. 

So, just the grout, and I'm OUT.  We're putting a for-sale sign in front of the old house this weekend, we think.  Wish us luck!!


  1. Yay!! I'm so glad you're free! I'm sorry Ben hurt his back though. He should wear flip flops. Then he won't put his back out.

  2. Yay!! I'm so glad they just hired some people to finish the painting!! I can't believe how much time you guys spent every day and week doing that! I can't wait to see the finished pictures!!


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