
Thursday, March 27, 2014


We made bows for Activity Days last week.  Once upon a time, on a Super Saturday long, long ago, I learned how to make a few different types of hairbows, and when I brought it up as a possible activity, my Activity Days partner readily agreed to it. 

We made two types - one type that looks like a rosette and one type that is supposed to look like a poppy.  I thought the girls would find the poppy hard, since it involved a little bit of sewing, and that they would prefer the rosettes, but it was the other way around.  They soon got bored/frustrated with the rosettes and quickly took up the sewing of the poppies.  While my partner and  I were helping some girls finish the rosettes, this cute little girl, Brooklyn, decided she was going to learn how to sew these poppy bows all by herself.  With a few verbal instructions from me, she was off and running and soon teaching all of the other girls how to do it, including tying the knot on the bottom side when she was done.  It was really cute.  I was impressed.

Anywho, Sadie was sick and couldn't go to Activity Days that day, and she was sad she missed out on the fabric flower bow-making fun, so a couple of days ago, I got my stuff out (I had some extra materials) and we made a few rosettes and poppies together.  Like the other girls, she much preferred the swiftness of the poppy bows and basically talked me into finishing her rosettes for her.

Never one to be left behind, Micah insisted that he needed hair bows, too.  Sighhhhh.  If it makes anyone feel better, his purpose was to use the bows on his My Little Pony toys.  Maybe that's one step better than wearing them himself?  Actually, he did keep putting them in his short hair and posing for me, just like a little model.  Sometimes I'm not sure what will become of that little man.  That's a whole other post for a whole other day.  But mainly, he wanted the bows to put into the newly-trimmed hair of his ponies.  He's given them all haircuts.  Their long, curly locks have been smartly bobbed.

The bows are meant for humans, not for pony toys, so they dwarf the ponies and end up looking like cute little hats:
Really, I could design those bizarre hats that British people wear to weddings... 

It's been a couple of years, but I still just... cannot handle that hat.  It should be worn in a circus or something.  Am I being too demure here?

Eugenie and Beatrice should call me next time they need a hat.  They could wear giant poppies on their heads for Remembrance Day or something.  (Nov. 11th - a British Holiday.  Everyone wears paper poppies on their lapels to remember those fallen in World War I.  I was there one year during Remembrance Day.)
 Sorry Micah is W-sitting, Lex... I do try to make them "fix their legs" when I catch them at it. 

 It's spring break in our school district, which Sadie takes to mean "The week where Sadie wears jammies every single day, all day long, and refuses to brush her hair or teeth except when Mom threatens her with doing extra chores if she doesn't at least brush her nasty, plaque-covered teeth because her morning breath is the worst breath Mom has ever smelled."
I love this girl, but I do NOT love her morning breath. :)


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