
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I have a new niece!!!

My beautiful sister, Beads, had her baby today!!  We are sooooo excited for them.  They've been trying to have a baby for several years, so this little one is extra exciting for our family.
Her name is Morgan, and I can't get over those cute little cheeks.  I can't wait to snuggle her.  There is a slim chance I may get to meet her in May.  I'm so glad she's here safely.  She is a teeny one - 6 pounds, 6 ounces.  And she was born on 4/1/14.  And she's 17 inches long and was born, military time, at 17:17.  If you know Beads, you'll know that she is ECSTATIC about these number combinations.  Whenever it's 11:11 a.m. on November 11th, I text her and say, "It's 11:11 on 11/11!!"  She was so excited when Gage was born on 8/9/10.  Haha!  So silly.

Kay, um, my 3-year-old just broke out of his room.  So I get to go get the screwdriver, turn the doorknob around, and lock him in.  You gotta do what you gotta do.  It's 10 at night.  Way past your bedtime, buddy.  And now Sadie is crying because she temporarily shares with Gage and doesn't want to be locked in, but then doesn't want to sleep with me (Ben's out of the country on business) or on the couch.  Sighhhhh.  I'm seriously considering throwing a sheet up and making her a "bedroom" in the downstairs great room.  For reals.

Good times.  Good times.  See what Beads has to look forward to? ;)  No, for reals, there are just as many really joyful moments as there are frustrating moments. It's definitely an extreme experience.  Extreme highs and extreme lows.  But I wouldn't trade it for anything.  And I'm thrilled for her and Spence to start this new phase of their lives.   And to snuggle that baby and smell her hair and listen to her cute little noises.  And to watch her laugh in her sleep and sleep with her eyes half open and rolling around.  Babies are fun.


  1. She is ADORABLE!!! I hope you can go visit in may! That would be so awesome! Kids are hard, but they really are a blessing and they help us grow so much as parents as well as ourselves! :)I'm glad you survived Ben being gone!


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