
Friday, April 25, 2014

Two things that have taken my place.

And they're both in this picture. 

1)  Our lovely dog, Pepper.  Peprika.  Hot Chili Pepper.  Pepperoni.  Pepsi.  Pep Smear.  Just some of my nicknames for her.  Look at how cute she is with Ben.  She looooooooves him.  She's quite fond of me, but she LIVES for the moment Ben walks in that door.  And Ben feels the same about her.  They are in love.  The  honeymoon stage hasn't yet ended.  There are times that I'm like, "I'm sorry, am I getting in between you two?  Let me leave you alone for some quality time together."  Sheesh.

2)  Breaking Bad.  I won't watch it with Ben, so he has been binge watching by himself.  With headphones on.  Which means that I don't exist.  It's like I'm a single mom.  Dealing with the ninos, cleaning, cooking...  while he blissfully watches Walter White be all violent.  Last night, I finally said to him, "If you don't spend time with me tonight, I just might punch you in your gut.  It's Me or Walter White, Ben.  Make your choice."

Why would anyone choose a meth-dealing anti-hero over someone as amaaaaaaaaaaazing as me???  Haha!

Oh, and BTDubs, Ben did spend time with me last night. Take that, Walter.


  1. LOL, it's like that with Mark and me, except I'm the one holed up in my scrapbooking room watching ER. Yep, I'm binge watching ER.

  2. That is such a cute photo of Ben and the pooch! Apparently dogs and Netflix are a man's best friend? But I am glad that man has the good sense to spend some time with his awesome wife too ;-)

  3. You don't know me. But I am a mom of 3 expecting our 4th in December. I'm also Mormon and I stumbled across your blog and I have to say that you are an amazing mom. You are inspirational. I can relate to you in some any ways! I hope to stumble across you again to catch a glimpse of your family because I hope that as my kiddos get bigger I can follow your example and be like you.


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