
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Prognosis and Game Plan

Sorry for the lack of posting.  Lots of things going on.  We went to the oncologist Tuesday morning.  My prognosis is good.  70-80% survival rate.  There is only a 10% or less chance of the cancer having spread to my other organs.  I had a CT scan today to see if we can find any errant cancer cells anywhere.  I'll let you know the results when I get them.  I had blood drawn this afternoon.  Tomorrow I do an Echo to make sure my heart is healthy before we do chemo.  I have a port put in Monday where my chemo and other things will go in.  It will be near my collarbone.  Here is my treatment:

1.  Chemo once every three weeks for 18 weeks (finishing roughly at Christmas time).  Six times. I'll start losing my hair about 2 weeks after my first session.  Planning to have a shaving party.  You're all invited.  I'll feel good for a couple of days, feel nausea for a few days, feel weak for a week, feel tired for a week, and then feel okay for a few days before doing the cycle again and again and again.

2.  One month of rest, then moving to Oregon to reunite my family.  Can't wait until that day.  Sadie and Dylan are going to Oregon with Ben to start school.  We're keeping Gage with my sister Lex until Christmas.  He's getting so much invidualized help for his autism; I want to do good by him.  I won't be able to help him until I am well and strong.

3.  7 weeks of radiation.  Five times a week, Monday through Friday.  The only side effect is feeling like you have a sunburn.  That feeling happens when you're all done with the 7th week.

4.  One year of Herceptin treatment.  Will be put in through my port in IV form.  Once every three weeks.  No side effects.  Hard to explain this therapy.  Here's a good explanation:

I'm teaching my ballet class Tuesday.  And then whenever I feel good.  My beautiful photographer friend is going to take pictures of me teaching.  And then she'll take pictures of me dancing. Pictures of my feet.

I start chemo within a few days of that.  After I lose my hair, I'm going to have her take pictures of my bald head, a la: 

I will look beautiful.  I will stand proud and strong and not be ashamed of my hair loss.  I am a warrior.  If I ever feel good enough to teach, she'll also take pictures of me teaching with a scarf on my head.  And then dancing bald. I want to do what makes me happy as often as possible.  And teaching ballet makes me happy.


  1. Amazing. Thank you for all of your updates. We pray for you and your family every night.
    I think bald is so beautiful and confident. Plus you could totally pull it off!

  2. I am so glad that you have a plan!!! Life feels better when there is a plan and it sounds like you and your family and the Spirit and your doctor have put together a good one. I can't wait to see your photos. You are gorgeous and are going to look so beautiful and powerful!

  3. Remember to #squinch for ultimate epicness.

  4. Kar, I have been following. I have been thinking of you and praying for you and your family. I haven't commented because it is so hard to know what to say. I'm sure people say some really stupid things. You are a warrior and you are experiencing these trials like a real trouper! Keep you chin up!! I love you! Carrie


Sorry, dude, because of spammers, you'll have to await comment moderation. But please still comment!! Blog comments are my love language. ;) I promise I'll moderate until there's no tomorrow and get yours up and on the blog within a day or two.