
Monday, September 15, 2014

The Lesson - How can I learn to serve more effectively in the church? - What I did.

I didn't do "Making Connections" during this particular week.  I told them we were going to be talking about serving in the church and dove right into this part:

  • Ask the youth to share stories from the scriptures in which someone was given a difficult assignment and received help from the Lord (for some ideas, see the scriptures suggested in this outline). If possible, help them find pictures of these stories in the Gospel Art Book. What inspires them about these stories? What do they learn from these stories about fulfilling callings?
 So for this part, I thiiiiink I split the kids into groups and gave each group a corresponding picture to each of these scriptures.  This is a picture of Jeremiah having the Lord touch his mouth to help him speak better:

And then I gave them this little paper with it:

Read Jeremiah 1:5-9. 

1.               Be prepared to share the story from these verses with the rest of the class.
2.               What inspires you about this story?

3.               What do you learn from this story about fulfilling callings?

This is the picture of King Benjamin:

And here is the paper that I gave the second group with the picture:

Read Mosiah 2:11.

            1.  Be prepared to share the story from these verses with the rest of the class.
2.  What inspires you about this story?

3.  What do you learn from this story about fulfilling callings?

This is a picture of Enoch speaking with the Lord:

And its corresponding paper:

Read Moses 6:31-34.

            1.  Be prepared to share the story from these verses with the rest of the class.
2.  What inspires you about this story?

3.  What do you learn from this story about fulfilling callings?

  • Bring a magnifying glass to class, and ask the youth what it is used for. Ask them what the word magnify means to them. Why do they think this word is used to describe how we should serve in our callings (in the phrase “magnify your calling”)? Invite them to read President Henry B. Eyring’s talk “Rise to Your Call” (beginning with the phrase “There is a third thing you need to know”), looking for ways the Lord magnifies us when we serve in a calling. Ask them to write what they find on the board. Share a personal experience in which the Lord magnified you to help you fulfill a calling.

Kay, so for this part, I just prepared a stiff posterboard with this big old magnifying glass on it - you could easily draw it on the board.  I probably split them up in pairs and had them each read a section from President Eyring's talk and had them write notes on a separate sheet of paper, then come up to the posterboard and write their answers in the big magnifying place.

  • Invite each class member to read one of the scriptures suggested in this outline, looking for principles the Lord teaches about fulfilling callings. Ask the youth to share what they find. What do these scriptures inspire them to do?
All I can find in my archives is this:

I really feel like I would have incorporated more scriptures than just this one.  And I probably would have given each kid one, since they already worked in groups and pairs.  I think I would have also put this at the end of the lesson as a  nice wrap-up.  So if I was you, I'd use the remaining scriptures that we didn't hit on in the class and make little slips of paper for each of them like this one above.

I'm so sorry this is so spotty.  It was a busy time for me, and I don't have my lesson plans all typed out.  But if this helps in some way, I'm good with that.


  1. Thanks for this post! I just got called into Sunday School and I've found there aren't as many resources for help (at least that I've been able to find so far) with Sunday School (compared to how much there is on Pinterest about Young Women -- which I was just released from). Anyway, thanks again!

  2. I too just got called to this calling and I appreciate the time you've taken to share your lesson ideas. Thanks!

  3. I have loved all of your lessons in the year and a half i have been teaching ss. When I look at my topic and my brain cant get going with ideas I know I have your awesome lessons to use as my starting point:) thank u!!!!!


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