
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Superstar!!!! (Part 2)

At Sadie's preschool, they do this thing called Superstar, which I think is funny, because I think of Molly Shannon when I think of the word "superstar":

By the way, I've always thought that Molly Shannon has really great arms. So skinny.

Anyways, when your child is the Superstar, you put some photos on a poster and then go in and talk about your kid to her class. This is the Superstar poster I did last year for Dylan, when he was in preschool. I like to make my posters all scrapbookey. Here is Sadie's:

Not my best work, but it turned out pretty cute, I thought. Last year, when it was time for me to talk about Dylan, I just kind of rattled off a bunch of random facts about him, and all the three- and four-year-olds lost interest in about two seconds. So this year, I was armed with an enormous Ikea bag full of items that represent Sadie's hobbies and interests. I brought a pillow to represent the fact that Sadie looooooooves to sleep. I brought her favorite stuffed animal, Saw. I brought her three favorite books that she likes to read over and over. The kids were enraptured, which was great. Glad to be done.


  1. What a cute idea and what a beautiful keepsake for your kids.

  2. Do you have a Cricut? You're incredibly creative! I love that you take time to make things better than everyone elses. Love it.

  3. You know, I don't think the word "Superstar" will ever hold the same connotation for me. I love the poster, its so cute! Very scrapbookey!

  4. Good idea to bring all the extra stuff! I think your poster looks really good, my writing alone would ruin that! LOL!


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