
Friday, February 22, 2013

The Blue Belt Blues

It was time for Dylan to earn his purple stripe.
It was time for Dylan to earn his purple stripe.
He didn't want to go.
He was starting to gripe.

He had the blue belt blues,
They made him feel inadequate,
He had the blue belt blues,
And he felt like he wanted to quit.

Dylan's master assured him that he would pass the test.
Dylan's master assured him that he would pass the test.
Dylan didn't think he could.
He felt Master was being a pest.


Ben encouraged Dylan to go and achieve his next rank.
Ben encouraged Dylan to go and achieve his next rank.
Dyl half-heartedly got dressed.
He thought this situation stank.


Ben and Dylan drove an hour to go take the test.
Ben and Dylan drove an hour to go take the test.
When they got there, he froze up.
Dyl wasn't feeling his best.


Ben and Master H. tried to talk him into it.
Ben and Master H. tried to talk him into it.
But Dylan wouldn't budge.
He was being a git.


They drove all the way home with no purple stripe.
They drove all the way home with no purple stripe.
We were really confused.
Dyl isn't the quitting type.


We talked a lot with Master H., who reassured us.
We talked a lot with Master H., who reassured us.
He said this happens a lot.
Blue belts in themselves don't trust.


Blue belts start to realize how far they have to go.
Blue belts start to realize how far they have to go.
They start to see their mistakes
It makes them feel very low.


Master H. recommended Dyl take a week off.
Master H. recommended Dyl take a week off.
Dyl liked this way too much,
Which really ticked me off.


After a week, I took him back - I hoped it wouldn't be traumatic.
After a week, I took him back - I hoped it wouldn't be traumatic.
They got to break some boards in half.
The boy was extremely ecstatic.

Altered Chorus:
He had the blue belt blues,
But he started to feel better.
He had the blue belt blues,
And now he's a go-getter.

He seems to have been cured - he brought home a broken souvenir.
He seems to have been cured - he brought home a broken souvenir.
He's enjoying class again,
And has an attitude of cheer.

(Altered Chorus)

Dylan says he's ready for his tourney in a few weeks.
Dylan says he's ready for his tourney in a few weeks.
The tournament is five hours away,
Which really, really reeks.

(Altered Chorus)

If Dylan freezes up again, it's curtains for Taekwondo.
If Dylan freezes up again, it's curtains for Taekwondo.
His contract ends in May,
And to another sport he'll go.


  1. I loved this so much I couldn't help but sing along. Can you be any cooler?

    I will be on pins and needles until his next change to test for his belt/stripe thingy. Keep us updated!


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