
Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Chalkboard Effect

My cute friend, Jennifer, invited me to a Stampin' Up party at her house last week.  We had a blast.  The demonstrator showed us how to make a card that looks kind of like an erased chalkboard:

Isn't it cute???

Jennifer and her friends have a party once per month.  The demonstrator shows them a technique and has each of them make a card, and they also do a card exchange with each other every month.  I've long been wanting to join this group - these ladies have been making cards for a loooong time and are really good at it, and they were gracious enough to let me join them.  I'm so excited!!


  1. When I click your link to your Etsy, it shows me your profile, but I don't see any of your products... :( Just wanting to know how to find it. I gave some thank you cards away and they wanted to know where I got my adorable hand made cards.

  2. So cute! I am jealous of your crafty talent. I'm sure you will have a blast with the stamp group.


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