
Monday, August 19, 2013

Baby Fist Bump

Kay, so you know how you can bump fists like this?:
I think that my husband and I are more high-fivers than fist-bumpers, but I'd like to see us move more toward the fist-bump.  I think it's cooler.  It takes time to start a new habit, eh?  If we fist bump 31 times, then maybe it will become a habit. Isn't that what that statistic is?  I don't even know.  That's how un-often I try to start new habits.

Which is probably bad.

Anyways, my dad is big into fist-bumping.  Because he's cool like that.  He's always saying, "Give me rocks," and offering his fist to his grandkids.  I think it's really, really cute. So, naturally, all of my kids are well-versed in the giving and receiving of fist bumps.

Yesterday in church, a family with a baby sat in front of us.  She's probably 10 or 12 months old or so.  She was standing against the pew, supported by her mom, of course, staring at us.  Which I didn't mind.  Because I LOVE babies.  Her little hands were in fists as she stared at Gage. 

Gage looked at her little fists for a moment, then reached up and fist-bumped her.  Hahaha!  What a babe.
Oh, P.S., and if anyone wants to know, Gage is NOT autistic.  There has been a lady in our ward who has been telling people that she swears Gage is autistic.  Which makes me a little perturbed.  We've had him evaluated and tested, lady. It's not autism.  The kid didn't hear anything for three years.  It takes time for him to catch up.  And also, lady, you're not an autism specialist.  So lay off.

The end.


  1. SERIOUSLY!!! That lady makes me wanna poke her in the eye when she says that!!! He is so cute!! He kept saying "GO...GO....GO!!" Yesterday

  2. Awww! How cute!! I hate it when people think they know everything about your child! :P

  3. She probably doesn't understand that speech and development go hand in hand. I have a friend with a son who has speech apraxia and he didn't potty train until he was 4 (when his speech started to come in). While it's possible to develop without it, it's not uncommon for a delay to result because of it.

    People need to chill the crap out with the judgy mcjudgerson attitudes.

  4. That is one cool little guy you've got there... only a truly awesome soul would think to fist-bump a baby in Church. I think we can expect great things from Gage.

    I also think he should fist-to-face bump that lady ;-)

  5. Brooke and I are high fivers. You should just keep high fiving, cause only the cool people high five. Just sayin....


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