
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Blueberry-Pomegranate Smoothie

So this morning, I looked at our cereal shelf, which was seriously lacking.  Sorry, Apple Jacks doesn't do it for me. And I had eggs as a snack last night. So I decided to make myself some cream of wheat. I didn't even bother asking the kids if they wanted some - the answer would have been a resounding "no."  I know my kids, and they h-h-h-hate cream of wheat.

So I start cooking the cream of wheat, and then one of my kids needed something, and my breakfast ended up burning and leaving nasty black pieces in the finished product.  Blech.  I chucked it.  We had to run out the door for swimming, so I decided to go get a smoothie for breakfast on the way.

So we stopped at McDonald's, because I saw on TV that they had blueberry pomegranate smoothies, and I was like, "Mother may I??"  When I ordered at the little menu/radio place, I ordered my smoothie and then...ordered a coke. 

Sadie looked at me and said, "A smoothie and a coke?  That makes no sense."

I laughed and laughed.  I asked her what the problem with my breakfast was.  She said, "It's two drinks!!"  I was thinking more along the lines of, "Why should you get a healthy shake, and then ruin it with a 150 calorie coke??" 

But I like her line of thinking better.

And yes, coke in the morning is a completely routine thing for me to do.  Sadly.  However, let it be noted that usually I drink a Fresca in the morning.  Zero calories.  Equally strange as a morning drink.  But I feel better about myself, so we'll go with that.

This may sound weird, but...I like that burn down my throat in the morning.  I'm pretty sure that if I had ever tried alcohol, I would have become an immediate alcoholic.  I watched that show on TV called Intervention once, and the lady on it drank a ton of vodka every day, and the producers asked her, "What do you like so much about vodka?"  She said, "I like that burning feeling down my throat."

Yikes.  That made me feel a little uncomfortable and guilty.  But let's just focus on the fact that I turn to Fresca for my burning feeling and not vodka, or, as is the case with that lady, when vodka was inaccessible, listerine and rubbing alcohol

See?  I'm doing okay.


  1. Awwwh! Kar I love you! Nothing wrong with your addiction...cuz I'm an addict too!!

  2. You deserve to treat yourself to a smoothie/Coke breakfast more often!

  3. LOL I love Sadie's way of thinking too:) You're so funny! :)


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