
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

For My Card Exchange Tomorrow

Ugh, I feel so gross today.  I did not sleep well.  Probably because Ben is home from hunting and was snoring SO LOUDLY last night.  Even with my earplugs in, it was like being in an earthquake while lying in bed.  Sheesh.  (But I am glad he's home.  Even though he has left me a huge mess of sleeping bags and boots and dirty clothes to clean up.  Because that's my job.  I'm The Cleaner.)

Anywho, while my man was gone, I spent my lonely nights catching up on Haven and making some cards for my card exchange tomorrow.  The theme was thank-you cards:
I like 'em.


  1. Ooooh!! They're CUTE!! I'm so excited! I can't wait to go! :)

  2. Love the card! Enjoy your party. I'm afraid of what my house looks like, since me, the clearer, isn't there to clean it up.


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