
Monday, October 21, 2013

I think we're heading to Green Hair Land with this guy...

Kay.  So.  Remember when Micah wore a green jammie shirt on his head for a year and called it his Green Hair?  And everyone was all judgie on my mothering skills because I let him do it?  (I still stand by that decision, by the way.)  And eventually I had to get rid of it (because of bathtime and laundering complications), along with a note from the Green Hair Fairy, saying that some other little baby boy needed Micah's green hair?  And how Micah was so upset about it that he said he was going to crush the Green Hair Fairy the next time he saw her?  Yeah.

I think we're going down the same road with Gage and his parka. 
We had to whip out the parkas, mittens, and hats last week here in Southeast Idaho.  It's no longer jacket weather.  That's what Julia soon-to-be Gulia told us.  (What movie?)

Try not to be jealous of our weather.  Or of the fact that my children will most likely be wearing their parkas underneath their costumes when they go trick-or-treating in a couple of weeks.

Anywho, Gage has rarely taken his parka off since we got it out of the storage room.  He wears it to bed.  Inside.  Outside.  At the day-care thingey at the gym. While he's sitting on the potty.  He cries when we take it off for bathtime and doesn't understand why we don't let him wear it in the tub.

It's hard to reason with a three-year-old.  Especially one who doesn't talk.

Last night, I was like, "Kay, dude, you have old food and lollipop stains and chocolate and all kinds of crap on your coat.  It's time to wash it." 

Oh.  The world ended for him.

He cried the whole two hours it took to wash and then dry it.

Unfortunately, I can't have the Red Parka Fairy take his coat away, because, you know, it's frickin' freezing out there.  So we get to deal with his obsession all winter.  But come summer, if he's still doing this, the Red Parka Fairy is going to take it to D.I. and call it good.  He will have grown out of it by then.


  1. The Wedding Singer, BABY!! That's an awesome movie..minus some language issues. I really didn't see a problem with the green hair..and so I am totally okay with wearing the coat all day...heck I wear my hoodie all day! Maybe he's just really cold?!!??

  2. At least his fascination with this article of clothing is very practical. There have been days, especially when that Idaho wind gets a'going, when I live in my coat.

    And if you figure out how to reason with a 3 year old, will you let me know? That knowledge could be very valuable the next time our government throws a tizzy fit.

  3. Good thing for fairy's who make things magically disappear. It is amazing the things that disappear around my house. It has taken 10 years of parenting for me to figure out if I don't like an item of clothing that it can magically disappear. I'm a slow learner. A coat is a very practical thing to want to wear all the time though.

  4. I totally understand how HARD is in to reason with a 3 year old. Whoever came up with the term TERRIBLE TWOS had a GOOD kid because my kids don't get REALLY TERRIBLE until they turn 3. I don't know what it is, but it is definitely WORSE when they turn three!! Yeah, it's not fun before that, but 3 is the magic number when they go from being a cute toddler and sometimes getting in trouble to being a REAL LIVE TERROR at the age of 3!! *SIGH* Tinian fights me EVERY day to put his coat on. I don't know if I'd rather have your fight or mine. At least he's staying warm right?!! :) I think you did the right thing with Micah! You were so patient with him and I think it's so great that you made up the green hair fairy! Who cares what anyone else thinks! You do what you need to do as your childs parent! You are AWESOME Kar! :)


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