
Friday, October 11, 2013

Gage won't nap anymore...

...with ensuing hilarity such as this:
I hate when my kids wean themselves from naps.  I so desperately need that time apart from them.  And they've all done it at the age of three or so.  I've fought the good fight, but when I try a couple of times every afternoon to put Gage down, he either turns it into a screamfest/brawl or empties all of his toy boxes and stacks them on top of each other to climb onto his dresser.  So stick a fork in me; I'm done.  Sighhhhh.

This video was taken while I was driving to pick Ben up from the airport.  (Somehow I managed to keep the camera right on Gage while not looking at it and driving.)  Ben was in Ottowa (somewhere in Canada - in the east part, I think) for business.  He met with a pretty famous Canadian architect who is interested in learning how Ben's company uses domes in architecture.  He's won several national architecture awards, apparently.  He's in his eighties and still working!  Ben says most architects work until they are very old, because they just can't stand not to create things.  I get that.

Ben brought me home some prezzies from the airport (he didn't have time to tool around Ottowa):
I lurv The Body Shop.  We don't have one of these in town.  I smell like a dream today.

Sadie and Micah were seriously pissed that Ben didn't bring them anything.  They actually yelled at him.  Entitled little punks.  He got them some Laffy Taffy at the gas station to atone, but I told him he didn't need to atone.  They should just be grateful their daddy got home safely.  Sheesh.


  1. That is hilarious!! I hate it when they get to the age that they refuse to take naps! I would totally let him have some play/alone time just so I can have some "me"time!!

  2. Haha! Tinian is very close to stopping his naps, but I can usually get him to at least fall asleep while watching a movie on the couch! My kids are the same way. They just EXPECT presents, no matter what!! Little stinkers!


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