
Thursday, October 24, 2013

My favorite thing about fall.

It's not the beautiful leaves.  It's not just the yummy fallish food you can start to make (turkey pot pie with mashed sweet potato topping?  Mother may I?).  It's not that it's no longer so hot that you think you're going to pass out.  It's not the hot chocolate that you can now drink without feeling like you're going to have heatstroke.  Nay, it's not even wearing the sweaters.  (I love that I just found a spot to say "nay.") The sweaters come in close at second place.

It's the geese flying south for the winter.
I looooove how they honk their mean little heads off while they're flying.  (Yes, geese are mean.  They hang out at our greenbelt and hiss at you and chase your children, even when they're nowhere close to the geese.) 

They're just so joyful.  They're basically yelling at the top of their lungs.  HEY YOU GUYS!  WE'RE OUTTA HERE!  I'M SO EXCITED!  I CAN'T WAIT TO HISS AT THOSE FLORIDIANS!  AND POOP ALL OVER THEIR GREENBELTS!  AND EAT THE BREAD THAT THEY FEED ME!  YESSSSSS! (See?  They're hissing right there.)

Every time they fly overhead, yelling joyfully at each other, I stop and look up and grin like a crazy fool.  I. Love. It.

That's got to be hard, flying and yelling at the same time.  I would find it hard yelling while, say, jogging.  Especially if it was for hours on end.  I heard Britney Spears sings while working out so that she is able to sing while still dancing in her shows.  Interesting, eh?  My sis, Lex, used to be a cheerleader in high school and college, and while they were running up and down stairs, they had to yell their cheers.  Talk about an ab workout.

The only time I ever yell when I work out is when I'm doing the fit wall at my gym.

 And by the way, one will never be smiling while doing a fitwall routine.  Though one might show their cleavage if they chose to.  I choose not to. I keep myself covered up.

When I yell at the fit wall, it's stuff like, "Eeeeeeee!"  when I'm doing that one drill where you're holding on to the top rung and making your feet hop up and down the lower rungs.  I'm scared I'm going to hit my shins.  Or when I'm going, "Arrrrghhhh!"  When I have to do Russian squat kicks while doing tricep dips on the fit wall.

These are not joyful noises that I make.

When you do the fit wall, you burn 800 calories in half an hour.  I kid you not.  It is that intense.  I could burn the equivalent if I jogged for two and a half hours straight.  And I get to do it tonight.  Yay.  

Maybe if I honk while doing the fit wall, I'll find more joy in it. 


  1. Funny! I am not a fan of those geese. I was on the river one time feeding the ungrateful creeps when one of them bit me right on the fanny. How rude!!

  2. I've never really been a fan of geese either. They seem like not very nice birds. I think it's awesome that you did the fit wall classes! I wish I could do that! 800 calories in half an hour would be so good for me!!


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