
Thursday, October 24, 2013


The kids brought their picture packets home from school.  Well, Sadie's never arrived home, which doesn't surprise me.  She's as forgetful as her dad and I are.  Poor girl.  Her life will be difficult.  I forget EVERYTHING.  And lose everything.

I never, ever buy school pictures, first of all because my friend Megs is a fantastic photographer and takes all of our family pictures.  Secondly, they always turn out like this:
Proof:  That Dylan is a lurpy ten-year-old with corn nut teeth that we can't afford to fix.

This one made me laugh soooooooooo hard:
Proof:  That Micah is psychotic.

This one takes the cake, though.  It looks like one of those celebrity mug shots:
Proof:  Gage wasn't in the mood to get his picture taken that day.  Hahahaha!  Ohhhhh, I get a good belly laugh every time I look at it.  I should seriously buy these pictures just so I can have this look on his face memorialized forEVER.

Gage barfed on that very shirt today at school.  He felt great this morning, he got on the bus, and then I got a call that he barfed on the bus all the way to school and a few times once he got to school.  I picked him up and brought him home, and voila, he's good as gold.  Having a great time.  Playing with the stapler at the moment.  (I'm the best mom EVER.)  I would wonder if he's mastered the art of faking sick to stay at home, something at which Dylan and Sadie excel.  (They should seriously be given Oscars for their ability to even fool their mom from time to time.  This is why I send them to school unless they're literally barfing.) But the barf on his Precious (his parka), shirt, and pants is PROOF that he felt sick even if it was at quite a handy time.

Hey, I'm not complaining.  If I don't have to hold him all day and clean up his barf, I'm good.  I'm good.


  1. Please buy these! I swear my 3 brothers make it a competition for who can take the worst school pictures. It make for GREAT laughing material now. Gage's picture KILLS me!

  2. Gage's picture is SO FUNNY!!! :) And the other are pretty funny too, but Gage definitely wins! hehe

  3. I love Gage's picture!! I would totally frame it, and hang it on your wall!!

  4. You should keep those pictures for later in their lives when you need something to threaten them with, or their wedding day! That would be priceless. Especially Gage.


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