Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Valentine Cookies

I must love being miserable. That's the only thing I can come up with when I ask myself the question: Why did I just do this? I like to make the holidays special for my kids, so I thought it might be nice to make sugar cookies with them for Valentine's Day. We baked them last night, and we mixed the frosting this morning and decorated the cookies. The kids wanted to help put food coloring in the icing, and of course, they made a huge mess. There are now four sizeable pink and red dye stains on my table. It's a good thing I'm not a huge fan of the table. When I cleaned up that mess, it was time to ice the cookies. Dylan decorated one:

In the process, he got frosting all over the table and himself. So then he goes in the kitchen, wipes the frosting on my decorative towel (the kids know they're not supposed to touch my decorative towels), staining it, then decides that he's bored and doesn't want to decorate anymore. Sadie also decorated one:

Then she got bored and decided it would be a lot more fun to eat Mom's nicely decorated cookies. She refused to eat the one she decorated (which had about two pounds of frosting on it). I don't blame her:

She also, of course, got frosting all over herself. This left me to decorate the remaining 75 cookies or so, all by myself. I didn't do anything fun. Just the perfunctory icing and sprinkling:

Sadie kept feeding Titan cookies, so I had to put Titan in his kennel. So he's scream/barking and whining, my house has frosting all over it, there are pink and red stains on my table, and I'm about ready to punch someone. Dylan decided to take my camera and have some camera fun while I was finishing up the dirty work. He took, among several, a picture of himself (complete with nasty, snotty nose):

And one of Sadie, complete with nasty frosting all over her face:

Sheesh. What a morning. Now it's 2:30 in the afternoon, and I'm finally going to take a shower. This is what I get for trying to make my kids' holidays memorable!!


Nat said...

You're such a hands-on mom! My kids get store-bought candy for holidays.

Jenny said...

oh dear. we're just about to decorate out cookies. maybe i should rethink this . . .


hope your shower was nice and undisturbed.

deannah said...

I love the reality spin you give things that most people like to pretend go so perfectly ideally, you know? Cuz really, I think your stories tell how it really is for most people.

Lynita said...

I love that you did your cookies, I wanted to but was feeling too exhausted to do it. Oh well I will shoot for it next year! Good for you Kar, your kids are so blessed!

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