My parents, being The Best Parents in the World, got Ben and I a disposal for Christmas. Can I tell you how in love with it I am??
No longer do I have to dump bowls of mushy cereal down the toilet. Or creamy salads. I can put almost anything down this lovely machine. You know, except bones and forks. And my mom just learned that lettucey salad doesn't do well. And potato skins.
Anyways. Ben, being The Best Handyman in the World, knew exactly what to do to wire it all up and get it all put together. The button isn't in a very conventional spot, however. In this shot, Sadie is showing you where our disposal button is:
She makes a good Vanna White. Our disposal button is just under the lip of our counter. You see, our house was built in 1945. So our walls are brick with plaster right inside of it. There's no wall space. No drywall. No wood. No insulation. Which makes nights like two nights ago (it hit negative 2) fun for us. We couldn't shove a wire up through four feet of solid wall. So it's unconventional, but it works just fine. Until Micah discovers it. :) The older kids have left it alone, which is great.
A lot of our house is unconventional, come to think of it. We have sliding doors in our basement, instead of doors that swing, because of the lack of space. And Ben put a "wall/door" between our bedroom and the storage room. It looks like a wall, but wait! It's really a door!!! It reminds me of Versailles - it really is pretty cool. And if we ever had another Holocaust, we could hide some people in our storage room and dupe everyone! :)
Sorry; the hiding of people in storage rooms is freshly on my mind - I just finished The Book Thief. Fantastic read. I recommend it. I cried for like two hours when I finished. I do that a lot lately. Like, we watched 500 Days of Summer the other night, and I was weeping for hours afterward. You gotta love these pregnancy hormones. (500 Days of Summer looks like a fun romantic comedy - nononono. It was very, very good, but don't expect a fun romcom. That's not what it is.)
So. Vive la disposal!!
YAY! Glad you're loving your disposal! I don't know what I'd do without ours! I've learned that spaghetti noodles don't do very well, either, especially if there's a lot of them. LOL
I didn't really like '500 Days of Summer'. I guess I thought it was going to be a completely different story for some reason.
Those "wall/doors" are called pocket doors and I wish that I had some. I like the space saving aspect of them. In my dream house all my closets will have them. I grew up without a garbage disposal and now I wonder what on earth I would do without it. It makes cleaning out the fridge a much easier task.
Yeah for handy husbands! And what great kids you must have. I, at a younger age (like three, maybe four months ago) would have thought a button like that was the best toy ever.
AS for "500 Days of Summer", I went in knowing that it wasn't going to have the typical rom-com ending, so I liked it. But it is not one I would recomend watching when you are already feeling emotional, cuase preggers or not, it will kill you.
Disposals rock. Sometimes I still throw away food items in the garbage, even though we've had a disposal for 4 1/2 years!
(500) days of Summer: Pete hated it, I mostly liked it. I had no idea what to expect. And even though she didn't have to dance with him, that other chick made a good point of reminding him that she had said she didn't want anything serious out of it. But they were both better off in the end-she found a true love, and he got back into architecture, which he loved. Wow, I could be the next Ebert with my super-long cmment/critique.
disposals rock and about the movie...its a story about love, not a love story...that says it all right there. story of my life. Its all about love, but not a love story.
I love disposals, they don't have them much out here either since so many of the buildings are so old! The house I live in is almost 100 years old! Yeah I liked 500 days of summer, but the ending threw me for a loop too.
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