
Monday, January 5, 2009

What Dylan Said at the Opthomologist's Office

He was looking in a mirror at himself, and he yelled loudly, "Get a load of that booger!!"


  1. So yeah, I read a lot of blogs and for some reason there is always that annoying guy that writes first. I don't really get it. Anyway, here is all I have to say about your comment on my lack of comments:

    Yeah you'll have to watch it for a second.

  2. Boys are But I'm glad that he can find beauty in the word around (and inside) of him :)

  3. Boys and their love of all things gross and bodily: farts, boogers, pee, poop, etc.

  4. HA! Could have been worse. "Check out the rack on that nurse." Aren't you glad he likes boogers??


Sorry, dude, because of spammers, you'll have to await comment moderation. But please still comment!! Blog comments are my love language. ;) I promise I'll moderate until there's no tomorrow and get yours up and on the blog within a day or two.