Thursday, October 28, 2010

Micah in 3D

Ben's dad and stepmom came to visit a couple of weeks ago - we had a ton of fun with them (more pics to come). They took us to Legend of the Guardian in 3D - it was really a beautiful movie. I'm amazed at what computers can do nowadays. But I still like my old school cartoons, as well. Cinderella, anyone? Anyways, Micah wouldn't wear the 3D glasses in the theater. He stared confusedly at the screen during the entire movie, but refused to wear the glasses. However, once we were home, he wore them non-stop, along with a pair of Dylan's flip-flops.

(Yes, we let him take the 3D glasses home. So sue us.)


Nat said...

3D is overrated. We went to "How to Train Your Dragon" in 3D, and Troy wouldn't wear his glasses, and so I'd peek over mine every once in a while to see what he was seeing, and it was basically the same-just a few scenes were blurry. And I think you can take the glasses home-they just prefer it if you reuse/recycle.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Nat!! I hope the hype dies down soon!

Micah is such a cutie! I love his little personality:)

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