Monday, October 11, 2010

We gotta stick together.

I grew up with all sisters, so I really don't understand little boys. I'm often staring at one of them, mouth agape, thinking, "What on earth is your problem???" I once asked Pooh something like that - "Why does Dylan DO these things?" She said, very sensibly, "He just figured it was a good idea." Pooh grew up with two brothers - she gets it. I went on a camping trip with her family when I was in high school, and her brothers made fun of me the whole weekend. I was so offended and hurt - "Why won't they leave me alone? Do they hate me??" She was like, "That's just how they communicate, Kar."

I totally understand Sadie - the ultrasensitivity, the quiet, by-herself playing... this is stuff I get. It's fun to do little girl bonding things together. If I had money, we would go get mani-pedis together. Go clothes shopping together. Maybe someday.

I hardly ever get the time to do my hair and makeup. Whenever I do have a moment to throw on a little, Sadie and Micah are so mesmerized by the whole process. They both always ask me to put makeup on them. I tell Micah that he is a boy, and boys don't wear makeup. Sometimes I worry about that kid. On Sadie, I only do a little bit of mascara and eye shadow:

Some things from the above picture worth pointing out:
1. I was still pregnant.
2. We were baby-sitting Daisy - she's in the far right of the picture.
3. There is a sheet on the couch. This is because I slept on that dang couch every single night of my pregnancy. My bed felt so hard and flat. I'm now, happily, back to sleeping with my hubby again. Except for two nights ago. He had something with tons of garlic in it for lunch that day, and he STUNK. I had to sleep on the couch. I couldn't stand the smell. I swear it was oozing out of his pores.
4. Look at how messy my living room is. Those are piles of folded laundry on our ottoman. My ottoman looks like that right this very minute.

Here is my beautiful little girl, sporting some makeup:

I love her hair that way.


Anonymous said...

Sadie is so cute!! I LOVE here hair like that!! I'm so used to having boys that don't need much more than running my hands through their hair to make it look taken care of, somewhat. LOL If we had a girl I would be totally lost. I've never been much of a girly girl.

Emily Empey said...

I love her hair like that too! she is sooo cute! i lover her! Fun post! So far i am lost about boys too- hopefully i can have a boy someday!

Mindy H. said...

Boys should be considered as a completly different species. Really. But they are quite entertaining....

Sadie is so cute! I am glad that you two get to have some fun girl power moments. You will remember them for always.

Kristen said...

Very cute Sadie! How did you do her hair like that? And, I think it's totally fine that your living rooms looks like that - mine looks much the same - often!

Nat said...

I love her little freckles! Again, someday, when our girls are older (and when we have money), we'll have to go on little mom and daughter outings all together. Wouldn't that be fun?

Camille said...

I love your cute little matching green dresses - I can't imagine what it would be like to have a girl??? How fun to do girl things......around here it's only bugs, fish, bats, dinosaurs and dirt.

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