Sometimes I call Gage, Gag. Because he barfs all the time. Get it?
Gag?? I'm so funny.
While I'm on the subject of Gage's barf, let me update you - the Alimentum eliminated his barfing, but gave him horrible, horrible diarrhea. I felt like I was feeding him poison. We switched to the Rice Starch Added kind of formula. It has helped a teeny weeny bit, but I still have to change his outfit like four times a day, and also his crib sheet. He's just always sopping wet. Mikey's Developmental Therapist came over today and saw Gage and was really concerned about the amount Gage still spits up. She recommended for me to call his doctor right away, instead of waiting until he's four months old for his normal well-baby checkup. I called and got an appointment for tomorrow afternoon. I talked to the nurse on the phone for awhile today about it - I mentioned that, if we are able to sit and hold Gage up after he eats, he doesn't barf at all. But if we put him down or in any kind of seat, Barf City. She said that it sounds like acid reflux, and not a reaction to formula. They will most likely put him on Prevacid.
So that's that. I wish I could have a baby who feeds normally. Sadie's been my only normal feeder so far. Oh well. We'll get this figured out. If Micah was able to survive and get back up to a normal weight, so can Gag. I mean, Gage. :)
We blessed Gage mid-October. The weather was fantastic, so we had a little party afterwards in the backyard.
We used some of the ground beef Tim and Brenda got us to make some burgers. Ben is so in love with his grill:

The kids played bowling outside while they waited for the burgers. This is Brynnan, Megs' son:

Lexi and Ivy:

Ivy loves Lexi soooo much. They are BFF's. I think Ivy is scared of me.
Sadie was talking to Mark, Megs' husband:

She was telling him about her birthday, which was like two months before. He asked her what she got, and she said, "Ketchups." He didn't know that she calls Littlest Pet Shops, Littlest Ketchups. Ketchups for short. He was thoroughly confused as to why we would give our daughter many different kinds of ketchup for her birthday. It was funny.
Megs was taking pictures, so I don't have any of her. Frown. Sorry, Megs.
Nat fed the little man while I was bustling about getting food ready:

Nat loves beebies. So do I.
Me and Pats:

The kids playing in Dylan and Micah's room:

Micah was totally snitching chips while waiting for lunch:

The spread:

See those pumpkin cookies in the very front? Megs and Mark made them, and I ate like half of them while I was getting stuff ready. Sorry, everyone. They were just so freakin' delicious. I need that recipe, Megs. E-mail it to me. I'm serious. Pumpkin cookies are tricky - a lot of recipes that I have tried make kind of cakey cookies. I don't like cakey cookies. I like chewy cookies. These were heavenly. Just right.
Patsmo La Ratsmo:

We had a leetle photo shoot to commemorate the occasion. Me and two of my sistahs:

It's really too bad I didn't have time to do hair or makeup. So sad.
Ben told us to do a serious model face. I cannot do those:

I just start smiling, and then trying not to smile.
I love this picture:

But my all-time favorite picture is now my header picture, baby. That pic makes me laugh so hard. Ben told us to growl like tigers for that one.
Isn't it funny that we all ended up wearing white??
The womenfolk:

My little fam (I think this pic will grace our Christmas cards this year):

My natal fam, minus Chris, Beads, and Moose. We missed you guys:

Mom and Dad and the grandkids (this photo graces my mom's Christmas cards this year):

Me, Ben, and Gagey:

And Ben and the Little Man:

Oh, he's just so cute. The cutest baby this side of the pecos.
This picture of Brock makes me laugh so hard:

So there you have it. Family fun. I'm looking at these pictures and really missing that weather. Sigh... It was summer, and then BAM! It was winter! No fall!! So sad.