Saturday, December 13, 2008


Here are some pictures of my two eldest together. They play together constantly, but it's very bittersweet - they get along about 10% of the time, and fight about 90% of the time. You would think they would avoid each other, but Dylan has this need to be with people, no matter if he gets along with them or not. His worst punishment is time-out, because that means he is by himself. Heaven forbid. Sadie would be cool just playing by herself, but Dylan is so extremely social that he is constantly bugging her: "Sadie, do you want a paper airplane?" "Sadie, do you want to play zoo in our bedroom with me?" When Sadie says no, Dylan, that's not an option. She shoves the paper airplane in her face anyways. Or he brings the zoo to her. Ah, that kid...
Ben got me an electric blanket, which is my favorite thing in the world. My kids call it The Ginormous Heating Pad:

One beautiful, warm autumn afternoon, Sadie wanted me to paint her nails, so we sat on the front porch to do it. Dylan insisted upon getting his nails painted, too:

But two seconds later, he realized that fingernail paint is very girly, so he asked me to take it off. I did.
I don't know what they're doing here. Okay. I just asked Dylan, and he says that they made a train:

So there you have it - Dylan and Sadie, best friends and worst enemies. Frenemies.


Gifford Family said...

I think that makes my kids Frenemies also! Unfortunately mine fight more than they get along also.... it is sad :(

Soozee Carmichael said...

me and my brother Richard were frenemies all growing up, but once we grew up we became best friends, and now we are pretty close. So, there is hope!

Patty said...

I love how tough Dylan looks in the pic where he got his nails painted. Like, "Yeah. My anils a painted... and??? Go ahead and say something about it. Go ahead!"

Barnard Family said...

lol! Now you have given a name to the ever so strange sibling love/hate relationship that I know so well. My kids are all frenemies too!

Nat said...

Oooh, heating blanket...

Brock and Troy used to fight a lot, but now they get along much better.

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