Friday, February 26, 2010

Little Ponies with Special Powers

My mom and I got Sadie some My Little Ponies DVD's for her birthday last year - one is the My Little Pony Movie, circa 1985. The other one is several episodes from the My Little Pony TV series, also circa 1985. These things are hilarious to watch. When one of the ponies is talking, you can hear the voice, but the lips kind of just move up and down, and not really in sync with the words that are being said. And the plots are really, really ridiculous. We are so spoiled nowadays, aren't we? But Sades still loves the movies and watches them often.

Dyls was watching an episode with Sadie, and there was an editing mistake. This pony was standing on one side of the screen, and in a split second, it was on the other side of the screen. Dylan gasped, "Mom, that Little Pony can teleport!!! Awesome!!!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How funny! Don't you just love old TV shows and movies?:)

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