Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Meat Solution

We have an indoor grill that always leaves our house smelling Major Beefy. Or Major Porky. Or Major Chickeny. We finally got the Major Beefy smell out of our house from last weekend, and I wasn't about to add Major Porkyness. So I grilled my pork outside.

The Nappy Neighbor Kids just couldn't believe I was doing this. I sat in a blanket on my porch and tended to the pork, just in case the Nappy Neighbor Kids' Nappy Dogs decided to come take some munches. I hate those dogs. They are the meanest, most anti-social dogs I have ever met. Sometimes, when the Nappy Neighbors get home, they let their dogs out in the front yard to go potty, and they growl and bark at me if I'm in my front yard. Like they've never seen me in their lives. And I think the one named Bark has some major problems in his nether region. There is something not quite right down there. Something very prominently not right. That's all I'll say about that.

I felt, sitting all bundled in a big blanket, like the Native American in this one famous painting that I remember seeing all the time, somewhere. I cannot find the painting to save my life, but it's kind of similar to this:

I have sad news, though. Our indoor grill died after my pork extravaganza. It really was falling apart anyways, and when I went to hand wash it, both handles just broke right off. I had to send it to a dumpsterey grave. It was sad. So I guess, from now on, if I want that grilled taste, I'm going to have to use the skillet on the stove and make my house Major Porky/Beefy/Chickeney from here on out. Frown.


Unknown said...

When I think of bumbled up in a blanket I always thing of "The Kiss" by Gustav Klimt ... then again, it was up on the wall in my house growing up for a long time :)

Too bad about the grill :(

Anonymous said...

That would be pretty funny to see you sitting in a blanket cooking your pork outside:) I totally understand though! Now I really want pork for dinner:P Sorry about the grill breaking!

Patty said...

You can have our extra George Formeman! I know what picture you are talking about! My mother in law has it in her house.

Carrie said...

Now that blog entry comes from a pregnant woman!! Coming from another pregnant woman, I currently have pork in the crock pot in the garage so I totally understand!

The Dillons said...

I think I know which painting you are talking about. The other painting looks familiar. That is sad about your grill!

Nat said...

So, take Patty's extra George, and just do that outside! Voila!

Lyndsay said...

Time to start checking craigslist! We bought a grill off there for $20 last year, just don't be afraid to haggle!

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