Thursday, April 28, 2011

Kid Friends and Baby Friends

My friend, Megs, is a fantastic photographer. She takes my family's professional photographs, and I just love them so much. She always has a camera around her neck, snapping the cutest photos ever of her sweet little boys. She's caught some great random snapshots of my own kiddos every now and then when we have playdates. I wanted to put up some recent shots of hers.

She took my baby's pics a couple of months ago. We did some cute nakey pictures of him, which resulted in him peeing all over his crib bedding. :) So I was changing his sheets while she was upstairs taking random pics of my Sadie and her sons, Brynnan, and Tinian.

Tinners was over in Gage's bouncy seat, chewing on the soft seat edge and just generally enjoying himself in his very serious way. Bouncing is very serious business. Sadie and Brynnan were playing together - they play well together. They spent most of the time running away from Micah. :) Here they are on our little ottoman cube thingeys:

Here, Brynnan was teaching Sadie how to be a "statue" to fool Micah so that he would leave them alone. :)

This looks like they're going to smooch, but Sadie was trying to climb onto the ottomans while Brynnan was throwing a toy over her head:

They're funny.

This was maybe a couple of weeks later? Over at Megs' house. The baby friends, hanging out:

Micah just loves babies so much. He is very gentle and attentive with them:

Gage's pants are way too big for him.

It's fun to see Gage catching up to Tinian a little bit in weight and height.

Gage needs to take sitting lessons from Tinners. Tinnian is the best sitter this side of the pecos. Gage has yet to perfect the sitting thing.


Emily Empey said...

I think you mean Gage in that last sentence :) But cute pictures!!

The Dillons said...

So fun!

Kar said...

Ack! Fixing that right now!

spoonTRex said...

I love our little playdates! I'm so glad our kids get along so well together!:)

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