Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 20...

...of the 31-Day Blog Challenge - the meaning of your blog name.

All I have to say is, thank goodness for thesauruses. (Or is it thesauri? Probably the latter.)

The thesaurus is my best friend. Especially when I'm writing poetry.

So here's the story. I wanted my blog name to basically say, "Kar's Family." But I didn't want it to be that boring. So I looked up "family" on an online thesaurus, and I saw "kith and kin." I was like, "What is 'kith'?" I knew what kin was, obviously. I found out that the phrase, "kith and kin," is an idiom meaning "flesh and blood." It was perfect because it's all Englishey, and what's most important, it's alliterative. Like I've said before, I heart alliteration.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the name of your blog! Before I even knew who you were I remember seeing your blog on Megann's blogroll and thinking, "I wonder who this is?!" hehe:)

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