Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Can Closed

Alright; an update on Sadie's can of worms - she went to the opthomologist last week, and she's all good! No issues with her sight! Yay! I had to dilate her eyes with these stinging drops a few minutes before we went in, which wasn't her favorite, but you gotta do what you gotta do. So, can closed.

As far as Micah's growing issues are concerned, my pediatrician basically threw up his hands and said, "I can't figure it out." He thinks maybe Micah is just a petite guy. Micah did grow 11 ounces in two weeks, which is fantastic compared to before. He likes these new nipples my mom got for him - Dr. Brown's brand. So I'm attributing his recent success to those nipples, for sure. And I just started him on rice cereal, which he gobbles down with much excited leg-kicking. So hopefully that will add to his weight gain. So, for Micah, I'd say that the case has gone cold. Or should I stick with the whole can analogy and say that the can has gone cold?

And then, we finally went to the long-awaited visit for Dylan to the ENT to see why he has had thick, green boogers running out of his nose non-stop for an entire year. He got to have a CAT scan, which was really exciting for him. He did really well, holding extremely still and keeping his eyes closed the whole time. He was so stoked to see his skull up on the screen afterwards! The doc says that Dylan's tonsils look a big larger than they should be, but that there are no sinus issues there. So we're going to see if he has an allergy problem - I have to give him that Nasacort spray in his nose once a day for a month, to see if that will help. If it hasn't done anything for him in a month, we may need to get Dylan's tonsils out. Yikes! Bikes! Not sure how we'll afford that... So, for Dylan, the can is still open. We'll see what happens.


Gifford Family said...

I am glad Sadie and Micah are doing well, what a relief. Hopefully you can "close the can" for Dylan also!

Unknown said...

ahhhh tonsils. Funfun, PLEASE PLEASE don't pospone that too long if that is what needs to happen. Jer was SUPPOSED to get his out when he was 8 years old. I, ME, I ended up paying for it when he was 26. Needless to say I'm still not terribly happy with my in-laws about that... :P

Amy said...

Glad to hear that some things are settling down. Good luck with Dylan- if he has to have tonsils out it's not that terrible. We've done it twice so far, and I am supposing that K might wander down that same path in a few years.

anjie said...

Hey, glad things are getting resolved, mostly. If Micah is on solids I can tell you what I added to Isaac's food to help him gain weight. It seemed odd, but worked. Oil, butter, salt, pediasure, and formula powder to add calories. I didn't add all this to every meal. I mixed it up a bit. His veggies sure tasted good with salt and butter on them. He ate more and it had more calories. Seems crazy, I know. But it was better than a G-tube!

Nat said...

I'm glad Sadie's eyes are okay. I've GOT to start Ivy on cereal! And I hope Dylan's booger issues get cleared up. (cleared-get it?)

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